Friday, 27 November 2015

Rename Recycle Bin

To do so, bring up the ‘Run’ dialog box by pressing Win+R in combination. Type regedit and hit ‘Enter’ to open the Registry Editor.

 Next, navigate to the following key:

Scroll down to CLSID and finally on {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. Double-click on Recycle Bin – seen in the right side pane.

 In the ‘Edit String’ window that opens, type in your ‘New’ name that you want to give the Recycle Bin, into the Data Value box and click OK. Here, I have named it as "gost"

Click OK and exit.
To undo the changes made just navigate back to the Value Data box and clear the string.
Make sure you create a system restore point or back up the registry first!

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